
Tuesday 17 July 2012

Day 10- Tues., July 17, 2012.

Although it is only Tuesday we began the class by writing a paragraph about what our plans were for the upcoming weekend. Although I began to visualise some ice cold beverages and dancing with friends, that was not the intent of this activity...
The intent was to have us think about the writing process in all its complexity. Writing is the opposite of reading and is a more invovled and complex process becasuse it includes the reading process. If you saw the reading task analysis I had in an earlier post then you have some idea how complex and in depth it is. Here is a task anaylsis of the writing process by my professor, Barbara Welsford, M.Ed., ATP, ATS, LD&ATS, ADE:

We are working in groups tomorrow and Thursday to develop a new Blog highlighting technology (high and low) to support writers. We will be inserting apps and technology we find beneficial into the task anaylsis. Once this is complete I will post a link to this new Blog on here. In the meantime, I was not sure what else to write about today and joked I have "writer's block".  A friend said, "I bet there is an app for that!". So I decided to investigate that possibility... sure enough there is!

Writer's Block Buster app for $3.99- is a great app for srtuggling writers who have difficulty with executive functioning and/or attention difficulties. It provides the ability to search through its large database of questions and explanations for different things that may be causing or lead to a cure to your writer's block. It also has a Muse and Scenario generator/storage engine that allows you to create and keep track of all of the people, places, and things in your story.

Alhough there is not an app that will write my Blog for me, there is lots of advice how to write a Blog. I will continue to research apps, as well as other technologies, that will help students and myself even, in the writing process.


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